

This organization is a labor of love for me. I enjoy public speaking, libraries and education. This is also a grass roots non-profit. Meaning that I will only accept small donations of time and money from individuals and small business owners. This is about people who love and want to support our beautiful natural world – Mother Earth. 

This is in launch mode at the moment. If you would like to help out, please email me. Also see the donations page for the Spring ’23 Food Trucks Tour as well.

How  We   Do  It

Tricia Keffer MLA Landscape Architecture Florida

Let’s face it. At different times in our life, we have various budget constraints. I understand. We offer a variety of services too. Do you require just plant design, irrigation, hardscape (driveways and sidewalks), pools, outdoor spas, outdoor kitchens. Tricia offers levels of service to meet your needs.

Tricia ultilizes her personal, academic, and professional work experiences combined to offer the customer service you deserve and a design you’ll love. It’s about functional art. Too many times a purely functional space is dry and boring. It takes an trained artist to make it pleasing to the eye. And, to acheive both – well that takes a professional. 

When her clients are paying top dollar for a beautiful landscape, they deserve to be happy with the outcome. We take the time to listen and implement your ideas (within code) and make it beautiful for you – the client. Too many times some designers assume, it’s about them telling you what you want. The reality is that it’s all about the client. I offer suggestions and ideas but it’s your landscape. And, I want you to smile everytime you look at it.

Where do we start?

What to expect

Tricia Keffer landscape site visit
Landscape designing
Tricia Keffer Florida AutoCADD
Tricia Keffer MLA Landscape Architecture
Phone Consult

Discuss your ideas

Let’s chat about your dreams and plans for your property. Free phone estimate

Site visit

Site analysis with the owner

Discuss with you opportunites and constraits for the property. We include ideas for plants and learn more about your dreams and wishes. 

Concept Plants

Hand drawings and plants

At this stage we are discussing the plant lists and hand drawing plans and perspectives for the site

Design Development

Finalizing the project

This is the final for changing the ideas, layout, and planting plan lists

Construction Documents

Documents to contractor

The final set of construction documents for your landscape contractor to offer a bid

Construction Administration

Observation and RFIs

Work with you and your contractor to make the design a reality